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water scarcity

As the planet warms, evaporation rates increase. This leads to an increased prevalence of cloud cover and precipitation. However, these effects are not uniform, with the increase in precipitation generally being confined to areas that are already comparatively wet, as well as temporally confined to less frequent but more extreme weather events. [97] [98] This has the added effect of increasing the frequency of flash flooding and soil erosion, as well as a decrease in water retention. Dry areas are also expected to receive less precipitation on average.


Projected change in December to February precipitation for 2016–2035 and 2081–2100, relative to 1986–2005 from CMIP5 models. The choice of the variable and time frames is just for illustration of how the different methods compare in cases with low and high signal-to-noise ratio (left and right column, respectively). The colour maps are identical along each column and only stippling and hatching differ on the basis of the different methods. Different methods for stippling and hatching are shown determined (a) from relating the model mean to internal variability, (b) as in (a) but hatching here indicates high agreement for ‘small change’... [97]

The net result of these effects in an increased prevalence of droughts in between less frequent, but more intense storm events. [97]

The number of loss events (tsunamis, storms, wildfires, and floods) tripled between 1980 and 2015. [87]


Number of loss events 1980-2016. [87]


Overall losses and insured losses 1980-2016 (in USD bn). [87]


Loss events worldwide 1980-2016. [87]

India is in dire straits and as of 2019 has 5 years to solve its water crises before hundreds of millions of people are at risk of severe water shortages. [89] [90] [91] South Africa recently had its worst drought in a thousand years. [92] 2 million are on the brink of starvation due to drought in Zambia. [93] There is a major geopolitical crisis developing between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia over the construction of a dam on  the Nile. [94] In 2025, 2 billion people will be living in areas with extreme water scarcity. [95] On top of it all, commercial water bottlers are making the problem worse. [96]

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