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ocean anoxia

Ocean anoxia (lack of oxygen) is getting worse, which is resulting in a loss of seamount ecosystem diversity. [190]

Throughout much of the ocean, primary productivity is limited by nutrient density. [191] Anoxia in the deep ocean is caused by increased productivity as a result of a substantial increase in organic matter in the water column, often brought about by the die-off of large algal blooms. Microbes in the water column metabolize the nutrients from the dead algae and respirate, using-up oxygen. [192]


False color plots of dissolved oxygen (a) and aragonite saturation state (ΩAr, b) over the Line P time series, averaged over our NEP seamounts study region. Overlaid on (a) are the calcite saturation depth (yellow), and the upper (red) and lower (blue) boundaries of the oxygen minimum zone. The legend indicates the trends associated with each of these boundaries. In (b), the ΩAr = 0.7 (red) horizon is shown. Also overlaid are the isopycnal depths for the 26.83 (thick gray dotted line), 27.04 (thick gray dash‐dotted line), 27.4 (thick gray dashed line), and 27.62 kg/m3 (thick gray line) sigma levels. Depths of the bottle samples that were interpolated to create the contour plot of ΩAr are shown (black dots). [190]


Plot of the observed depth distributions of the nine indicator taxa identified based on the benthic visual surveys along with simultaneously collected depth profiles of Union, Dellwood, Unnamed (UN) 16 and 18 seamounts. The red background shows the mean oxygen concentration over the full time series, highlighting the OMZ (i.e., white is outside the OMZ). The dashed white lines delineate the region between 800 and 1,200 m which corresponds to oxygen <0.5 ml/L and dotted blue line indicates the mean depth of the calcite saturation horizon. A range of metrics on the species’ depth ranges are plotted (mean, horizontal black lines; ±1 standard deviation, dark gray boxes; maximum and minimum depth observed, thin dark gray lines). *The sea lily has a bimodal depth distribution (gap between 1,150 and 700 m); the black coral also has a bimodal distribution (dip between 900 and 850 m); the rest have roughly bell‐shaped unimodal distributions (except for the rockfish, which is truncated at the top) (S5). All taxa were found on all seamounts with habitat (seafloor) in their depth range (mean ± 1 standard deviation) with the exception of the bugle sponge which was not observed on UN 16. [190]

Algal blooms are often caused by nitrogen and phosphorous runoff from fertilizer use in agriculture. Eutrophication of fresh water lakes and rivers cause local anoxic events that kill many fish species. [193] [194]


Hypoxia causes and consequences in the Great Lakes. Hypoxia in fresh water occurs naturally when the water column separates into warmer (light blue) and colder (dark blue) layers that do not mix. Oxygen enters warmer, upper regions of the water but cannot move into lower, colder regions beneath the warm-cold transition layer. At the same time, organisms that feed on dead organic matter consume oxygen at the bottom of the water body. Human influences can worsen the situation when excess nutrients enter the water body and cause algal blooms, which then die and sink to the bottom, thereby increasing decomposition activity and depleting even more oxygen. (Image courtesy of NOAA/OAR/GLERL.) [195]

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